For a long-lasting solution to missing teeth, we offer dental implants.
These replace the roots of the teeth and can anchor crowns, a bridge or a denture. As they replace missing or damaged teeth, they drastically improve the general wellbeing of your mouth. They help your eating and speaking.
Implants are usually screw-shaped implants made from pure titanium. They fix the bridge, denture or crown in place, providing a more permanent treatment. The replacement teeth are shaped and coloured to match the rest of your teeth.
There are many factors that change a standard implant fitting but here is a general outline of the steps we take to fitting an implant:
- During the first appointment, we assess your general oral health and the density of your jaw bone. Bone volume is essential to implants. If we find that there isn’t enough volume, you may need a graft.
- Under local anaesthetic, we place the posts into the jaw at specific points chosen to provide the best support.
- We wait a few months for the implants to bond with the bone. This is called osseo-integration.
- When we are satisfied that the implants have taken, we fit the new teeth to the implants. These will be coloured and fitted perfectly to match your other teeth.